

6:30 am - 7:00 pm
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

2044 Mount Diablo Blvd, Walnut Creek, CA, 94596



CALL US: 925-705-7500
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How to Transform Your Adirondack Chair

For decades Adirondack chairs have been viewed as the quintessential outdoor chair. In fact, that very title is the reason that the Adirondack chair was first made. As summer approaches you may be thinking about these popular chairs. Fortunately, Downtown Walnut Creek Ace Hardware sells Adirondack chairs for children and adults in an assortment of colors. If you were looking to transform a new chair or restore an old chair we can help with that too! Did you know that you can spray paint your chair? Spray painting an Adirondack chair is an easy, inexpensive way to show off a chair in your favorite shade, match it with other furniture, or return it to its original appearance. As always, we are happy to help you with this process!

Step 1: Go to Ace

Come to Downtown Walnut Creek Ace Hardware to purchase all of the supplies that you will need for this project. We have plenty of options for your spray paint color – In fact, we stock over fifty shades of Rust-Oleum spray paint. A primer will be essential, we recommend Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch 2X Ultra Cover Flat White Primer Spray Paint. Check out our craft paint selection if you are interested in adding details to your chair. Finally, when spray painting anything you will want to protect yourself and the area that you are occupying. We advise purchasing a face mask, gloves, and a plastic drop cloth.
Your List:

Rustoleum Spray Paint

Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch 2X Ultra Cover Flat White Primer Spray Paint

Plastic Drop Cloth

Face Mask

Plastic Gloves

Craft Paint (optional) 

Paint Brushes (optional)

Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch 2X Ultra Cover Semi-Gloss Clear Spray Paint (optional)

Step 2: Prepare Your Chair

Start by placing your chair on the plastic drop cloth. Keep your mask and gloves nearby, as you will need them when using the primer. You will want to clean your chair off with a damp cloth. This is an important step as it will give you a clean base to prime. Make sure that the chair has dried before moving on. Shake your primer for one minute after the ball starts rattling. Hold your can 10-16” from the chair and spray in a steady back-and-forth motion, slightly overlapping. One coat should be enough. The primer will act in two ways. It will cover the previous color of the chair, producing a neutral base for the new color. It will also create a bond with the new color, allowing a long lasting finish. Typically the chair will dry around one hour after priming.

Step 3: Paint Your Chair

Applying your spray paint is a very similar process to applying the primer. Shake the can for one minute after the ball rattles, stand 10-16” away, and apply in a steady back-and-forth motion, slightly overlapping. Be sure to maintain that distance, as to avoid running or dripping. It is best to paint the bottom of the chair first, let it dry, and then paint the top. This should prevent any smudging and save you from having to redo anything. Drying usually takes around one hour.

Step 4: Details (Optional)

Painting your adirondack chair may be the last step for you. Afterall, you have a freshly painted chair in a color of your choice! However, if you want to add details to your chair then craft paint is the way to go. You can free hand paint or buy stencils to assist you. While our location does not sell stencils they can easily be ordered on the website and sent to our location. Craft stores are another great place to look. If you are including intricate, small details then you may want to have a clean up item, such as Q-tips nearby to quickly fix mistakes. If you want to protect your creation, just spray it with Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch 2X Ultra Cover Semi-Gloss Clear Spray Paint.
We chose to spray paint our chair in the Rust-Oleum shade “Candy Pink.” We then painted palm leaves to create a summertime look.

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Store Hours:


6:30 am - 7:00 pm
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm


2044 Mount Diablo Blvd, Walnut Creek, CA, 94596

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