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2044 Mount Diablo Blvd, Walnut Creek, CA, 94596



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Air Plants At Walnut Creek Ace Hardware

Air plants have quickly risen in popularity these past few years. If you love plants or follow interior design trends, you have probably seen this charming little plant before. Their sudden surge in popularity is understandable. They are adorable, relatively easy to care for, and will liven up any space. Read on to learn more about these darling plants!

What Are Air Plants?

Air plants, also called Tillandsias, are a genus from the Bromeliad family. They are named air plants because they are epiphytes, meaning they do not require soil. Instead, they will attach themselves to things. They can be found in nature, clinging to objects like trunks, branches, rocks, and buildings. As if it weren’t peculiar enough, an air plant’s leaves have trichomes, small scales that absorb water and nutrients from the air.

Where Can I Put My Air Plant?

You may wonder where you can put a plant that doesn’t require soil. Air plants can be attached to many things, such as driftwood, rocks, seashells, sculptures, and trellises. If your plant frequently falls off your chosen host, you can assist it with a fishing line or wire. Some sources suggest using glue, though we don’t recommend this as it will complicate the watering process. Terrariums, often hanging ones, are very popular for air plants. This is a simpler method, as there is typically no attachment required. Many people embellish their terrariums with decorative moss, shells, or rocks.

What Care Do Air Plants Need?

Air plants are relatively easy to care for when you understand their needs. While soil is no concern, it will still require specific temperature, water, and light requirements like any other plant. Due to their lack of roots, air plants require an unusual watering technique. Once a week, you should submerge them in water for half an hour to three hours. They prefer “dirty” water, meaning water from natural sources like ponds, lakes, or rain. After removing them, shake them out and place them upside down on a paper towel to dry. This is crucial, for if they remain wet, they will rot. You can add daily misting to this regime to maintain an extra lush appearance. They do not like direct light, so bright indirect sunlight is best. Finally, air plants do best with temperatures from 50°F-90°F.

If properly cared for, some air plants can flower, though it will take time. They will only bloom once in their lifetime, usually after a few years of proper care. While lovely, the bloom signals the end of the plant’s life cycle. After flowering, they will die. However, beforehand, they will have “pups,” offsets that you can remove and use to grow new air plants.

Where Can I Get an Air Plant?

Downtown Walnut Creek Ace Hardware! We recently received a new supply of stunning air plants and beautiful terrariums!

For more information, call us at 925-705-7500 or text us at 925-320-3050!

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